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The Kovacs Family has been leading New Discoveries Preschool since 2005, emphasizing excellence in early childhood education. Our goal is to offer a nurturing and quality educational experience by developing the whole child: intellectually, socially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually in a safe, clean and healthy environment.

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Infants: Dolphins & Sea Turtles

Collaborating with Parents

We believe in a strong partnership with parents to ensure that your infant's daily routine at school aligns as closely as possible with the familiar routines at home. We understand the vital importance of keeping you informed about every facet of your baby's day.

To facilitate this, we provide parents with a daily log sheet that outlines your baby's activities, including nap times, feedings, diaper changes, and engaging learning experiences. Additionally, our dedicated educators diligently capture and document those cherished moments in your baby's journey through our individual portfolios.

Creating a Stimulating and Secure Environment

At our preschool, we've meticulously designed our infant room to provide an optimal and secure setting where our dedicated teachers can oversee and support your baby while enhancing their play and learning experiences.

  • Our play areas are thoughtfully arranged to provide ample space for exploration and movement, ensuring your little ones have room to thrive. Within the classroom, you'll find an array of toys and books, thoughtfully selected to promote positive development across all aspects of your baby's growth.
  • Each child is assigned their own crib, featuring daily sanitization of crib mattresses, along with fresh sheets and cozy blankets. We maintain a consistent commitment to cleanliness, conducting daily sanitization routines for cribs, toys, highchairs, and floors to create the cleanest environment possible.
  • Our experienced teachers foster personalized relationships with each baby, responding attentively to their individual needs and providing emotional support tailored to their unique requirements.

Personalized Feeding Practices

For families with breastfeeding infants, you have the option to bring bottles of breast milk for your child, or if your schedule allows, you are welcome to join us for breastfeeding sessions. For infants who require formula, we offer Similac Advance Infant Formula, or you may choose to provide your preferred formula. Additionally, we supply infant cereal, jarred baby food, and age-appropriate table food for older babies, ensuring a well-rounded diet to support their growth and development.

Feeding practices are responsive to your baby's cues, and we strive to mimic their home schedule as closely as possible. For our younger infants, we prioritize holding them during feedings, and we closely supervise older infants in highchairs. We never resort to propping bottles or allowing babies to feed in their cribs. This approach not only reduces the risk of ear infections but also ensures each baby receives the individual attention they deserve during mealtimes. Your child's well-being and development are at the heart of everything we do.

"Learning and Discovering with Love and Laughter"